0 comments Thursday, November 29, 2007

Starting this afternoon, the Morning Headlines, Afternoon Update and Breaking News emails that we send out to subscribers have a new format. This new format allows us to fit more items into the space provided while also providing us with a greater level of automation.

What does this mean to you? Well, you'll get far more news content in the emails. The extra automation frees up our web staff to make sanluisobispo.com even more awesome. And that's good for everyone.

If you haven't already signed up for the email alerts, you can do so:

  • here if you are already a registered member of sanluisobispo.com (and are logged in) or
  • here if you're not a registered member of sanluisobispo.com.
Let us know what you think of the new format, or any changes you'd like to see us make.



...with much pomp and fanfare. Here we will let you know about new features we have launched on sanluisobispo.com as well as give details on upcoming changes and improvements. We also want to hear your opinions on things you'd like to see added or changed.

First off, I want to draw your attention to the following items:

  • Caption Contest - where you can win $20 of coffee just by being witty and making us laugh.
  • Your Videos - where SLO County residents can upload their own video files to sanluisobispo.com
  • Holiday Lights - where you can see user submitted pictures of Christmas lights from all over the county.
Remember, these features are only as good as the content we are provided. So don't be shy - participate and help make our online features a success.

We always welcome feedback (good or bad), so please feel free to leave us comments telling us what you think we can do to improve sanluisobispo.com.

